一、个人简介 刘晓雪,女,1993.12,武汉大学博士,硕导 主要经历: 二、研究领域 从事全球疾病负担测算研究、慢性病流行病学、医学统计方法及应用研究。 三、学术成果 (一)代表性项目 主要负责科研项目: 国家自然科学基金青年项目,82404375,中国伤残权重及其影响因素研究,2025.01-2027.12; 主要参与科研项目: 中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发计划,2018YFC1315302,重大慢性病疾病负担及防控策略研究(子课题)—重大慢性病伤残负担研究,2018.9-2021.12; 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,82173626,中国伤残权重及其影响因素研究,2022.01-2025.12; (二)代表性论文 近5年以第一作者或通讯作者发表文章近20篇: [1]Liu Xiaoxue#, Wang Fang, Yu Chuanhua*, Zhou Maigeng*, et al. Eliciting national and subnational sets of disability weights in mainland China: findings from the Chinese disability weight measurement study.Lancet Regional Health-Western Pacific,2022, 26:100520. (中科院1区; IF:8.559) [2]Liu Xiaoxue#, Yu Chuanhua*. Author's reply: "Eliciting national and subnational sets of disability weights in mainland China: findings from the Chinese disability weight measurement study".Lancet Regional Health-Western Pacific,2024, 43:101009. (中科院1区;IF:8.559) [3]Liu Xiaoxue#, Yu Yong, Wang Minsheng, et al. The mortality of lung cancer attributable to smoking among adults in China and the United States during 1990-2017.Cancer Communications,2020, 40(11):611~619. (中科院1区; IF:20.1) [4]Liu Xiaoxue#, Guo Yan#, Wang Fang#, et al. Disability weight measurement for the severity of different diseases in Wuhan, China.Population Health Metrics,2023, 21(1):5. (中科院小类1区; IF:3.3) [5]Sumaira Mubarik#, Shafaq Naeem, ...,Liu Xiaoxue*. Distribution, Risk Factors, and Burden of Mortality and DALYs Attributable to Major Non-Communicable Diseases in Western Europe: Updated Analysis from 1990 to 2021.JMIR Public Health and Surveillance,2024, 10:e57840.(中科院2区; IF:3.5) [6]Ren Yunzhao#, Lu Zhaojun,Liu Xiaoxue*. The causal association between neutrophil counts and the risk of lung cancer: a Mendelian randomization study.Journal of Cancer,2024.10. (中科院3区; IF:3.3) 四、联系方式 邮箱:liuxx019@163.com |